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​The debut of Stance Fever was back in 2014, two friends known as Nick & Faz with a goal to have there own car show. Nick the man who has been running a UK car club for over 10+ years, promoting & hosting some of the UK's biggest meets and events around the South East. Faz is the king of Tyre Stretch & runs a tyre firm in Hertfordshire with customers traveling from all over the UK. Both drive awesome Show cars and are well known in the car scene. Nick with his Juiced Astra GSI Irn-Bru & Faz with his Bagged e30 vert.


"The First Instalment"

They both decided to organise a car show at the Famous ACE CAFE LONDON in 2014 under the name Stance Fever. The show was easily outgrown on their first event.

Back to the drawing board for 2015.........


They both managed to find a location bigger than the previous year. Norton heath Centre in Essex was the venue for 2015. Attracting more show cars and growing into a bigger brand.





Rockingham Sign & Sealed

Stance Fever by now was getting a good reputation for quality over quantity so they needed a venue to live up to the HYPE, they managed to get in touch with Rockingham Motor Speedway 


Stance Fever 2016 was hosted at the Famous Rockingham Motor Speedway with the standard of cars turned right up, Top 100 show cars, trade stands, Live DJ, Drift Demos & competitions

With a huge success of Stance Fever 2016/ 2017 & 2018, Most recent show attracting over 800+ people. Things were looking good.




Rockingham motor speed way closure


Bad news  for stance fever on the closure of Rockingham Motor Speed way. They had to find a New Location, After searching and hunting, they finally secured the new location for 2019 at Cressing Temple Barns for the 21st July. Based around old barns and lots of greenery, this will sure make a great home for stance fever.


stancefever2020final (1).jpg


C R E S S I N G  T E M P L E  B A R N S


Due to the closure of Rockingham, the hunt was on for a new Venue. Cressing Temple Barns in Essex was the new home for stance fever for 2 whole years with its pictures grounds and old barns with lots of greenery. The year of the Pandemic was a huge challenge to pull of a show as lockdown and restrictions made it super hard, but 2021 was a go ahead and the car show was another huge success.




I N D O O R  V E N U E  


As the show is becoming bigger and bigger and out growing the previous years, The goal has always been to pull of an amazing car show for the fans where Quality over Quantity is the number one priority, and with that being said. the best place for Quality cars is in a indoor venue. So with that being said, Newbury show ground is the new home for Stance Fever which is just off the M4. 


This year the team went bigger and better with a number of trade stands and lots more trophies.




B I G G E R  &  B E T T E R


2023 was the year where Nick & Faz attracted some well known names in the industry to support the event such as CT Carbon, LowCo, ESPTR, Total BMW Magazine, Specialist Tyres, 7eleven detailing and many more.


The most quoted line from the event was "What a vibe" this is exactly what they want from there ever-growing followers.


They even went more fancier with the Show & Shine trophies making them fully customised and unique to the event.


Stance fever 2024 in confirmed for 18/08/24


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